Thursday, April 1, 2010

Colorful Stuffed Easter Eggs

Deviled Eggs, or stuffed eggs are always a hit and I use this coloring of the egg whites technique for several different occasions. To name a few:

 Bloodshot eyes for Halloween (see 10-11-09 post)
 Baby blue and/or Pastel Pink for baby showers
 Red and green for Christmas
 Bright green for St. Patrick's Day (and I also color the yolk green for this holiday!)
 For Easter (and birthdays) I keep it muli colored...

Here is how it is done:

To Make 12 Stuffed Eggs You Will Need:
7 hard boiled eggs *
6 different food colors
6 small, deep containers for dying whites (coffee cups work well)

*this gives you 2 extra white halves in case of tears or imperfections...

Slice each hard boiled egg in half lenghtwise.
Remove yolks and place in separatebowl.
Gently rinse egg whites to remove any residue left by the yolk.
Lay out wax paper to place under coloring-cups and don plastic gloves to protect hands if desired.
In each of 6 containers, place several drops of food coloring - fill the container 3/4 full with water.
Divide whites into color baths and let sit until you reach the desired depth of color.

Drain whites on paper towels.

To Stuff Eggs:
7 egg yolks
1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon super fine sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cumin (optional)
dash of hot sauce (optional)
colorful sprinkles (optional - can also top with chives)

Place yolks into a fine sieve and using the back of a spoon, gently rub yolks through the sieve into a small bowl. This works like a ricer and gives the yolks a perfect, smooth texture.

Add remaining ingredients to the yolks and stir well to combine.

For a professional look, pipe yolks into the colored whites using a large star tip. If you do not own icing tips, mound yolks into colored-white with a spoon.

Top with colorful sprinkles, if desired and serve on deviled egg platter. The crunch and sweetness of the sprinkles are a great contrast for this slightly tart, slightly smokey stuffing recipe. If you do not have sprinkles, top with chives or sprinkle with sweet paprika. If available, add a spring of parsley for garnish.

(For instructions on how to make The Perfect Hard Boiled Egg Everytime, scroll back to my post dated 9-29-09).

Hint:  If you should have any leftovers, which is a rare thing, store on the serving plate, covered with a saran wrap. To prevent 'smooshing' place a round ended toothpick (or fancy hor's d's style toothpicks) into each stuffed egg before covering with saran.

If your toothpicks are the kind that are sharp on both ends - simply put a miniature marshmallow on the tip that will go next to the saran wrap to prevent it from puncturing.  (Same method of storage is good for iced brownies too).

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