Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Nest Egg Cupcakes

Easter Egg Nest Cupcakes
1 package white cakemix
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 container cream cheese frosting
1, 8 ounce bag shredded coconut
candy eggs
green food coloring

Prepare cupcakes per package instructions, adding almond extract to the batter prior to baking.
Let cool completely before frosting.

In a zip baggy, add coconut and 2 drops green food color, close bag and mush coloring into coconut until distributed evenly throughout. Pour into coconut grass into flat bowl for dipping.

After cupcakes have cooled, frost them and dip frosted tops into the coconut grass. Arrange candy eggs on top and place on serving platter. For an "extra-puffy" next, frost the cupcakes with a thin layer of frosting and then let set until it firms up a bit, approximately a half hour or so. Then put a second layer of frosting on top and dip into coconut, rolling to catch sides of top as well.

First of all, I had surgery yesterday so am working with the use of one arm, so these cupcakes did not turn out as 'voluptuous' as they normally do - but they are still extremely cute and probably look more like they would if you had let your children/grandchild make them. In fact this is a great recipe to do with the little easy and they will be so proud of the end result!

A little FYI regarding the almond extract - the flavor is so suttle but adds a little sumpin'-sumpin' to the plain vanilla flavor, which is almost cherry-like. People love it but aren't quite sure what it is. And, this one teeny addition makes the box cake mix taste homemade, which I love.

In my next post I look forward to sharing with you how to make colorful Stuffed Easter Eggs, a staple at our Easter Dinner table, so don't forget to check back tomorrow!

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