Thursday, September 10, 2009

Walking through blog-land

Today I figured out how to add photos to my blog-site. Baby steps.

Busy researching the gluten-free life. It is a little overwhelming how much there is to learn. Sticking to my friend the juicer for sustenance during the day and looking forward to when I have enough basic knowledge to venture into some creative cooking again. Meanwhile I have shrimp (raw, deveined, peeled and tail on) marinating in orange juice, Louisiana Hot Sauce, ginger and honey. I’ll make a large spinach salad with them after I grill them in my panini press. One of my favorite combos is grilled shrimp with avocado, mango, red capsicum, red onion and spinach. I usually marinate my shrimp in dark beer, Louisiana Hot Sauce and crushed, fresh garlic.

Louisiana Hot Sauce is a great staple to have around. It can add a wonderful kick but is surprisingly elusive. It enhances the flavor of the food you use it on without giving away its source. I like that in a food. One ingredient in a dish should never over-power the others. Like many artistic creations (characters in a book, instruments in an orchestra, actors in a play) each ingredient should have its own distinct role to play. And each role is just as important as the other in the final production.

It is 5 o’clock. Time to start dinner. What shall I add to my spinach and marinated shrimp salad? I guess I'll leave that up to what I find in my fridge and pantry! I love surprises!!!
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